Marital Mediation
What is Marital Mediation?
If you and your partner are going through turbulent times but haven’t decided to pull the trigger and divorce yet, marital mediation may be the solution for you. A fairly recent but highly effective practice, marital mediation helps the two conflicting parties in a marriage decide what path to take moving forward. Essentially, we mediate whether you should keep things the same, divorce or put it on hold for 6 months and commit to working on the marriage.
Whether you are the ‘leaning in’ party (more keen on staying married) or the ‘leaning out’ party (looking more towards the divorce option), Marital Mediation might just benefit both of you to gain clarity before making any life-changing decisions.
Taking the non-traditional approach, different from couple’s therapy, at Divorce Harmony, Dori, our Supreme Court certified family mediator takes you through a guided process of mediation that is aimed at helping you resolve any differences and either save your marriage or decide to divorce if that is the right course for you.
Why Opt For Marital Mediation?
Where couples therapy is focused more on the past, underlying issues, Marital Mediation, on the other hand, is a more forward-thinking, proactive approach that helps you and your partner communicate better with each other and have an honest & open conversation about the issues.
So, if you are facing difficulty in communicating & expressing your feelings to your partner, Marital Mediation is just for you. This mediation process drives the focus away from the usual blame-game and helps to draw attention to resolving the issues between the two parties involved. If you’ve invested your time & energy into a marriage, it’s never too late to work things out & save it or gain the clear-headedness to move on from something that is not working.
Marital Mediation vs Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation, as the name suggests, ensures that the two conflicting parties who have filed for a divorce, consensually divide their assets & liabilities after the split. Whereas, Marital Mediation is primarily for a couple who have still not decided whether divorce is the right option for them or not.
In simple terms, Marital Mediation helps you resolve conflicts with your partner while you are still married. It helps you choose one of the following three paths that may be the most likely outcome for you –
- Path 1 (Status Quo) – In this scenario, your relationship stays as it is even after mediation.
- Path 2 (Separation/ Divorce) – Here, both you & your partner are unable to resolve your issues and decide to divorce or separate. You can choose to opt for our Divorce Mediation Sessions in the case of this outcome.
- Path 3 (6-Month Commitment) – At the conclusion of the marital mediation, the divorce idea is put on hold and you both commit to 6 months of trying to work on the marriage. If that’s the case, we can refer to some wonderful therapists for you to work with.
Marital Mediation
At Divorce Harmony, we make it as easy & economical for you to give your marriage a second chance or decide to separate if you choose to. Dori, our expert family mediator takes you through a series of up to 5 two-hour sessions.
Two-Hour Sessions
After each session, you both get to decide whether you want to continue with mediation. There is no commitment beyond each session. There is a limit of 5 two-hour sessions so we can stimulate a plan of action and help you gain the clarity you are seeking regarding your marriage. This is not therapy but our services can also be used in conjunction with couple’s counseling. If you need a referral for a couple’s therapist, we’d be happy to help.