Diamond Girl

Diamond Girl
Besides being a licensed attorney, Certified mediator, wife, mother, professional volunteer/activist, and long-distance runner many people are surprised to find out I’m a GIA diamond expert. After practicing law for a few years in New York City, I grew weary of the field and the assorted characters in the community. I wanted to do something that would make people happy. On a whim, I enrolled in the Gemological Institute of America’s diamonds course. Entering the world of Diamonds was an exciting and stimulating time.
For almost 10 years, I ran my own Diamond Company, S&W Diamonds. I worked hard to make connections in the industry and on Manhattan’s famous 47th Street. I always provided the best quality stones at the most ridiculously lowest prices. I continue this tradition with my mediation practice-offering the highest quality at the lowest prices.
Who would have known that years later I would use my diamond knowledge to help my clients in the process of divorce mediation? Many divorcing couples need advice on what they should do with their engagement rings. Do they sell? Where? Can they make a profit from selling? Engagement rings can be a sentimental expense but it’s best to try and look at it as a business transaction.
There are lots of predatory sites and businesses out there looking to profit off of your misfortune. It’s important to know which companies are reliable if you are interested in selling your second-hand diamond. There are only a handful of people, I can count them on one hand, that you should be dealing with.
It’s been a pleasure to fuse my knowledge of the diamond industry with my divorce mediation practice. It feels great to continuously save my clients money on their diamond transactions using my GIA-trained expertise. If you have any questions regarding diamonds or mediation please don’t hesitate to contact divorceharmony.com