File For A Divorce
File For A Divorce
Many people don’t know the first thing about filing for a divorce. Do you get an attorney or try to do it yourself? What forms do you need? Is there a resource to figure out the best way to proceed?
So many questions to something that should be quite simple.

File for a Divorce
Uncontested Divorce
An uncontested divorce means that both parties are in agreement and will file together. They don’t need to go to court to work anything out. They basically tell the Judge-“this is our agreement, please sign off on it”. A divorce like this should be fairly straightforward but in many cases, it’s not because the average person doesn’t understand the court’s requirements for filing and drafting the documents. Either way, going the uncontested route will save both parties valuable time and a considerable amount of money. Not to mention less stress. The key is to figure out a way to proceed with this kind of divorce in a way that is beneficial to all.
Uncontested Divorce
Cheap Florida Divorce
To have a cheap Florida divorce is entirely possible. Florida makes it easy by not requiring a reason to divorce nor a waiting period. If the parties are in agreement you can use the services of Divorce Harmony to file your divorce. We take you from start to finish and guarantee your case will be finalized by the court. The best part is you can even have a simple divorce online. In the state of Florida, we are able to file your papers online and you do not ever have to step foot in a courtroom. Many companies promote an “online divorce” but very few actually deliver a fully online experience.
Cheap Florida Divorce
New Life
Are you ready for your new life? Have you been thinking about getting divorced but are worried about the complicated process and spending money you don’t have? That’s totally understandable but there is a way to have an uncontested, Florida online divorce that will not break the bank or your sanity. Reach out to us at
New Life After Divorce