Divorce Document Preparation in Florida
Divorce Document Preparation in Florida
Unfortunately, the court system doesn’t make it easy for regular people to go about doing their own divorce document preparation and filing in Florida. If you wanted to forego an attorney’s services, which is completely understandable because their prices are very expensive, it would be very difficult. Fortunately, there is an alternative where you wouldn’t have to spend exorbitant amounts of money on attorneys you don’t really need.
Divorce Harmony-Divorce Document Preparation and Filing Service
The first step would be to complete the appropriate questionnaire so we may gather all of the information we would need to draft your papers correctly.
a. If you have no minor children together: https://www.divorceharmony.com/questionnaire-florida-no-court-divorce-online-no-minor-children/
b. If you have minor children together: https://www.divorceharmony.com/questionnaire-florida-no-court-divorce-online-with-minor-children/
c. If you do not know where your spouse is: https://www.divorceharmony.com/questionnaire-florida-no-court-divorce-online-missing-spouse/
2. Divorce Harmony will provide a free consultation to discuss any questions you may have with the process. We want you to be as comfortable as possible and be assured that you are receiving the best possible service.
3. If you do have minor children together, Florida requires both parents to take a parenting class. Here is a simple online option that takes just a few hours: https://www.floridaparentingclass.com/?lgr=d9386a67-1bde-4c8d-b8af-8faec5e4751b
4. Upon payment, we would have all of your required documents emailed and ready to get signed within 48 hours. And we usually will send them well before 48 hours so we can assist you with a very quick, painless divorce.
5. Once both parties get the documents signed and notarized and scan back to Divorce Harmony, we would e-file your paperwork with the Florida court.
6. Now you just sit back and relax and wait for the final judgment to arrive in the mail.
That’s right, you will receive your final divorce decree in the mail About 30 days after we file for you the final judgment will come in your mailbox. No tedious court visits or huge bills. Divorce paperwork doesn’t have to be complicated.
Contact divorceharmony.com today to start your divorce document preparation and filing.