Easy Divorce In Florida

How to have an easy divorce
Easy Divorce in Miami
Who says you can’t have an easy divorce in Miami?
Do you want to avoid spending your life’s savings? How about a long, drawn-out battle in a public court? Does making your own decisions and wrapping everything up in a reasonable amount of time sound more appealing? This is possible! It’s not only possible but it is becoming the norm for many people who choose to split in a thoughtful way to saves time, money, and sanity.
What you don’t need to get divorced in Miami or in Florida:
Expensive Lawyers
Lawyers who try to make decisions for you
Judges to make decisions for you
Sacrificing your hard-earned money to pay for the split
Sacrificing your precious time to attend the hearing after hearing
Sacrificing your mental health to “fight it out” with your ex
Negative impact on your children of a long drawn out divorce
The public embarrassment of everything out in the open in court
Risking your public health to be in a busy courtroom during a pandemic
Loss of control of your life
The Good News:
Enough with the negative aspects of how a divorce can go wrong. Let’s focus on how to have an easy divorce. In Florida, you have a right to decide everything for yourself. Who knows your kids better than their two parents? Who knows how to prepare and plan for their future? The same goes for dividing any assets or debts and other private matters.
Online mediation is a spectacular way for the parties to decide everything for themselves. This is best facilitated by an experienced third-party neutral-mediator who can assist the couple with their agreement. Here at Divorce Harmony we have been doing this for years and helping our clients have smart but simple divorces.
online divorce mediation
Additionally, we can help you avoid the courtroom altogether. Once your custom agreement is reached our experts here at Divorce Harmony can draft all required documents and file them for you with the Court. Next, you just sit back and relax and wait for your final judgment to arrive in the mail. No having to deal with the family court.